Baseball Poem

Play at the Plate

From the book

"That Sweet Diamond"

by Paul B. Janeczko, Carole Katchen (Illustrator)


watch the ball 

short hop the wall and 

the right fielder-who 

can't pick it up fast enough - 

finally snatch it 

sling it 

to the impatient cut-off man, 

who throws home 

almost before he turns. 



watch the runner 


toe the inside corner of third, 

eyes on 

the coach's windmill arm 

signaling haste. 



watch the meeting place: 

the catcher begging for the ball 

so he can sweep the tag 

at the runner beginning 

his slide 

before the umpire, 

holding his mask 

behind his back 

as casually as a satin heart 

of valentine candy, 

signals the meeting over, 

the runner safe.
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