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Reader's Survey


“Stay the Course”


Your unbiased, genuine, fresh and honest reporting is greatly

appreciated, especially by the " non- institutional " segment of your




Alex Nowicki,pres. Chesterfield Financial Corp.,

St. Louis, Mo




I get your news letter and do appreciate what it provides the industry - a

fairly well organized grapevine.  I liken it to the "Drudge Report" of our



Regarding the criticism of your reporting, when you air complaints in

public before they are resolved I guess that opens the door to criticism

all the way around.




J. Scott Walstrom-Vangor

Vice President, Capital Markets

People's Capital and Leasing Corporation




   If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  I enjoy your newsletter.  I think the

press releases are important.  If people don't want to read them, they can

skim past them.  The key to your newsletter is the "Cronyism" and "Good ol'

boy Network."  I worked at Orix in Pasadena for 10 years and in reading your

newsletter, I come across people that I have worked with or dealt with all

the time.  In our business, it is the contacts that you make that measures

how you have done. 


Also, keep "This Day in American History." 


Thanks for the service that you provide.


Jim Krug

Operations Manager

Edson Financial, Inc.  




I admire not only your chutzpah in standing up to your
detractors but also your willingness to publicly admit your mistakes.
This takes courage


Pat Byrne

Balboa Capital





Unfortunately, it seems like you are only getting negative feedback, and I'm

certain that there are many like myself that enjoy your insight and

experience in the leasing industry.


With regard to so-called cronyism and criticism that you are receiving, as

my Mom says (and countless other Moms, I'm sure), you can't please all of

the people all of the time.


Keep up the good work..


Stephen Gramaglia

Eastern Funding LLC

570 7th Avenue

NY, NY 10018




I encourage you to retain your current format


I for one greatly appreciate the efficiency of reading a one-stop industry publication like The Leasing News. Over the years I have established great funding source

contacts as a result of following up on a number of your Press Releases.


Our market intelligence briefing (a.k.a. Leasing News) has continued to be of great value to me. Recently I received a verbal for a seven figure funding from a investment banker as a result of my following ups' to several of your press releases and feature articles. Your news letter has helped me: to understand the perspective of those that make key industry decisions, to more precisely understand the problems and allow my focus and efforts to be on the "Best" solutions for my enterprise.  


Regardless of who says what about Leasing News- I look forward to each report.


Richard  Vara



  Press Releases—Reader's Opinions


Keep printing press releases! I find them helpful.


Peter Matera

KMSR Financial Services


I like keeping up with basic leasing news and thus enjoy your newsletter

for that purpose.


For those that complain about the press releases.   Why don't you lump all

releases at the bottom of your newsletter.  That way people who don't care

to see/read them can stop once they've reached the first release.


Clark Wicker

District Leasing Manager




I guess I'm in the minority, I like the press releases.  I enjoy reading about companies

that are growing, and adding people.  Sometimes I recognize the names, but

not often. 


What I enjoy the most is reading both sides to a story or event.  I don't

get that from the Monitor.  I appreciate that you print  negative and unflattering comments, along with the "old crony" stuff. 


Keep up the fine work.


Doug Dawkins, CLP




I like your press releases.  It helps me keep informed of what other

 companies and perhaps friends that I have lost touch with are doing.


 Ross Guilford




I think Leasing News is pretty darn good. Sure, some issues and press releases are more important than others, but I can look at it in  less than a minute and decide if there is something that is useful to me.  Heck, that's why they make the "delete" button. 


Keep up the good work. 


Richard A. Baccaro

American Equipment Finance LLC



I have always enjoyed the fact that I can get information from Leasing

News that I do not find in other places but the fact that press releases

are printed in the same place as insider commentary gives Leasing News a

unique voice in the industry.


You give context as well as insight. Take out the press releases and the

reading is much less informative.


The vocal minority ruins a lot of good things ... Stick to what you

believe is best. If you followed the herd over the years no one would be

reading your newsletter!


Hugh Swandel

Swandel and Associates

Consulting Services for Lessors, Brokers and Technology Providers in the

financial services industry.




I just want to take a moment and thank you for all of your hard work.

Collecting news, writing articles, organizing stuff, following up on leads

and responding to all of the complaints every day is a labor of love.  I am

one of the people that reads the Leasing News on a regular basis as a means

of keeping in tune with the news that happens behind, next to, underneath

and on the other side of the news.


Keep up what you are doing.  And by the way, I appreciate your including

press releases from smaller companies.  In many cases, these are the events

from people that we all know and want to keep in touch with and/or hear





Tim Szczygiel


SalesChain LLC




I enjoy reading your newsletter every day. I feel

 that  your publishing press releases provides a service to

 the leasing industry. There would be no other forum

 for this information to get to the leasing public.

 The  Monitor simply re-releases the information that is

 distributed to the major financial news sources .If

 someone doesn't' like this then that is why there

 are  scroll keys on a keyboard.


 I hope you don't make any dramatic changes to your

 structure. I like to "read between the lines" of the

 lively discussions that have surfaced over the

 years.  Its easy to take shots at individuals, such as

 yourself, when your efforts to relay the news puts

 you  in such exposure. It's also apparent that when

 people  who live in glass houses have stones thrown back at

 them that they cry "foul" and skirt the real issues.


 Thank you again for providing very informative



 Dave Johnson



I have personally always liked the press releases that you provide.  I think

yours are more complete and you become the single source for the releases.

I agree that the monitor sometimes does not always print releases if they

are of smaller companies.  From my perspective, it is vital to keep my

finger on the pulse rate of the industry.  Press releases are an important

component of that.   Of course I consider that these releases are putting

the corporation's spin on it.  The editorial section supplements that with

what is really going on.  Just my personal opinion.  Thanks for asking.


John McCue

McCue Systems




Reading "Leasing News" is one of my first tasks of the day and I feel

it provides a necessary and different perspective of  the20 industry.  We don't need

 more "press releases".  We need you, or someone, to be like that

reporter "embedded with the Fourth Infantry Division reporting on what is really

 going on as the troops are entering Bagdad."



Do you really need to publish every day, if you are not printing

 "press  releases".  Perhaps a weekly format is adequate

 unless there is breaking news.  Is an” Ask the experts" column

something similar, a  consideration.. Maybe you could offer sponsorship opportunities

 to Leasing News.  Say 4-5  sponsors per edition @ $250.00 each.



Ted Parker

California Capital Leasing




Personally, I like to read these press releases, since this gives

me a feel for who is doing what in the market today.  If I want to find out

what GE or Boeing Capital is doing, I can read the Wall Street Journal or

The Monitor Daily.  I do not consider either of those two publications to

give me a good “pulse” of what's happening in my marketplace, the small to

lower middle market independent lessor/broker community.  But, by reading

the various and sundry press releases in The Leasing News gives me a good

pulse on whats happening and who is making it happen.


Furthermore, we run a lot of press releases in your publication to

compliment to various help wanted ads that we run.  To be quite honest with

you, we have received more “action” from the press releases than we have the

help wanted ads.  Nonetheless, we will continue running advertisements into

the third quarter of next year.  We currently have 15 sales reps (Territory

Managers) o staff of which we “hired” all but 3 of them through ads through

The Leasing News.  Our objective is to reach a total of around 25 “reps”

before we begin “phase two.”



Bruce Larsen

National Sales Manager




I have always enjoyed the fact that I can get information from Leasing

News that I do not find in other places but the fact that press releases

are printed in the same place as insider commentary gives Leasing News a

unique voice in the industry.


You give context as well as insight. Take out the press releases and the

reading is much less informative.


The vocal minority ruins a lot of good things ... Stick to what you

believe is best. If you followed the herd over the years no one would be

reading your newsletter!


Hugh Swandel

Ph. 204.477.0703

Fax. 204.453.5044

Cell. 204.799.7823


Swandel and Associates

Consulting Services for Lessors, Brokers and Technology Providers in the

financial services industry.




In response to your request about press releases, I for one like seeing them

AND I enjoy the commentary and opinions.  As far as what is really going on

and whatever may be hidden in a corporate press release.  Of course, as

usual, I speak as an outsider to the industry these days, one who is looking

through the window.  As you know, I do not belong to any leasing association

any more and I have a limited amount of daily reading time so I have to

chose what I read carefully.  Leasing News is high on my list.  For the

leasing industry, very little else is.  I suspect I am not alone in my

thoughts.  I like to see as much as you can provide on industry happenings

and would like to be my own judge of its value.


Perhaps you can isolate the press releases and bundle and run them once or

twice a week.  As with anything else, your readers can pick and chose what

they want to read and ignore what they do not.   For those who complain

about your format, especially now that you will once again be providing a

pro bono product, just remind them how much they are paying for the inside



Looking forward to the 2004 issues.



Hal T. Horowitz

Financial Placements

Wingate Dunross, Inc.

30851 Agoura Road, Suite 301

Agoura, CA 91301



Part II---


Readers comment on the Bulletin Board Complaint and the “candor” of

Leasing News.

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