Venserve/SaleStream Capital----Alive and Well


“Your news of our death is premature. There is no bankruptcy filing. We are

alive and well!


“To update you, Warburg Pincus is selling it's interest in SaleStream Capital

to Texas Equity Holdings (TEH, LLC) a company owned and operated by

Lighthouse Investments. There has been a large injection of capital, around

$3M I hear, to promote the vendor driven business model that the company was

originally structured to support. There will be no more B2C activity.


“I have been directed to hire an additional 5-8 salespeople in the next 30

days to ramp things up. This will create a need for new office space shortly

but we will be staying in the area. I will notify you when this is official.


“The Venserv name, email and contact info was changed almost a year ago to

SaleStream Capital. The new investors are currently redoing the entire

website and it will re-appear in a format more to their liking. As the

point man, I can be contacted by phone 949-768-4236 ext. 236, fax

949-450-0827 or email


“Please contact me at anytime and I will be glad to answer any questions you

may have. Thanks.


“P.S. I did leave you a voice message on Wednesday.”


Tony Watson

Vice President Business Development

SaleStream Capital Corporation

Voice 949-768-4236 Ext. 236

Fax: 949-450-0827

(Sorry, didn’t get the voice mail. E-mail is the best way to get to me, or

via the webs site, by e-mail or “Kit Menkin Live.” Most of the voice

mail I get at Leasing News are “telemarketers,” so perhaps I confused

you with one of them. I see my main problem in trying to contact

Venserve rather than SaleStream capital. We wish you the best

in your endeavors. Editor)


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Leasing News, Inc.
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California 95050
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